Preview Print Dialog Box

Use the Preview/Print Dialog box to preview or print a report of timesheets to be exported based on timesheet class.


To display the screen, complete the following step:

From the Time menu, click Process > Export Timesheets > Preview/Print.


Screen Fields

Field Description

Select the report you want to print. The available options depend on the timesheet classes you selected. If the classes are configured for labor exports, Labor Distribution is available as an option. If the classes are configured for payroll exports, Payroll is available as an option.


Select the level of detail you want: Detail or Summary.

The labor detail report lists the first six used UDTs, charge descriptions, and cell date and hours for the exported records of each employee. The labor summary report shows the same information summarized at the line level, so there is no hours breakdown by date.

The payroll detail report shows the pay types, payroll codes, payroll earnings code, and hours for the employees and timesheet classes. The payroll summary report does not include the breakdown by employee or timesheet class.


Click Submit to preview the Export Timesheets Report in Adobe Acrobat format. Select the printer icon in Acrobat to print the report.  


Click Cancel to return to the Export Timesheets screen without previewing or printing the report.